Chi sono - About me
Who I am
Sono nato a Milano nel 1957. Dipingo e disegno da quando avevo pochi anni. Figlio d’arte e membro di una famiglia ricca di artisti, ebbi come maestri negli anni Settanta i pittori Adriana Zanoletti, Alberto Salomone, Graziella Sarno. Da loro andai “a bottega”: non ho mai seguito corsi accademici. Dopo un periodo iniziale in cui utilizzai soprattutto chine e inchiostri colorati, passai all’acrilico e alle tecniche miste su cartone, tela o altri supporti. Negli anni Settanta e Ottanta partecipai a decine di mostre collettive e tenuto mostre personali in Italia e Germania: le gallerie presso cui esposi furono fra le altre, a Milano, il CIDA – Centro Orientamento Belle Arti, Il Torchio, la Mioccio e la Boccioni, la Bottega 3 Arti di Sesto San Giovanni, la Miniera di Melzo, la Kunstgiebel di Friedriechsfeld (Germania). Mie opere e recensioni dei miei lavori sono apparse sulle riviste Artecultura, Alla Bottega, Italia artistica. Mie opere fanno parte di collezioni private in Italia, Germania e Stati Uniti d’America.
I dipinti sono realizzati con colori acrilici e tecniche miste su cartone e altri supporti. Le dimensioni sono 50 x 70 e 35 x 50 (solo pochi sono 70 x 100). I disegni sono a inchiostri, matite, pennarelli e tecniche miste su carta.
I was born in Milan in 1957. I paint and draw since I was a little boy and as soon as I could hold brushes and pencils. Son of art and member of a family of artists, my teachers have been my mother Bruna but also painters such as Adriana Zanoletti, Alberto Salomone, and Graziella Sarno. I never attended academic courses but learned by visiting their ateliers. In the beginning I used mostly Indian ink and regular ink, now I paint using acrylic colours and mixed techniques on cardboard, canvas or other kinds of boards. The art critic that has ‘discovered’ me and wrote pieces about my artwork was Pierluigi Senna. During the seventies and eighties, I participated to several collective art exhibits and held my own in Italy and Germany. The art galleries that have exposed my works have been, among others, the CIDA (Centro Orientamento Belle Arti – Work of arts orientation centre), the Torchio, Mioccio, and Boccioni in Milan. Also worth mentioning are the Atelier of 3 arts (la Bottega 3 Arti) in Sesto San Giovanni, La Miniera in Melzo and the Kunstgiebel in Friedriechsfeld (Germany). My pieces and more art critics have appeared on magazines such as Artecultura, Alla Bottega and Italia artistica. Some of my pieces are part of private collections in Italy, Germany, and the United States of America. I have worked on book covers, illustrations, major graphic works, and mural paintings. Since the nineties, I have held exhibits at meditation centres and centres for spiritual development. Some of them are: the Centre for Psychodynamics, the Cosmos Institute, Sentieri del vento (the paths of the wind), in addition to various public events and performances. I have created illustrations for various associations and centres, books, CD and LP covers, and both interior and exteriors private mural paintings. My paintings are also represented in the Shamanic Card deck, published by Edizioni LALBERO, a divinatory tool (card desk) that I have created thanks to the teachings and inspirations received by Lorenzo Ostuni, master of conscience whom has brought back to life ancient divinatory oracles of which he has shared the spirit with the world. Another divinatory tool that is currently work in progress is Natural Magic. I also create art pieces and installations with natural materials like rocks, stones and crystals, different types of wood and barks, bones, quills and feathers, and other natural materials. Part of my consciousness journey of spiritual growth and profound ecology, is to gather inspiration from the ceremonial art of the natives. These creations are not only pieces of art but also energetic tools to allow reconnection with nature’s forces.